Friday, May 1, 2015

Advice Entry #2: Characters Worth Training

Hello again! Today I'm going to talk about the various characters in Awakening, and which ones are actually worth training. Check below the break for more!

There are tons of characters in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Most of them are decent for support, but don't really shine through. Some, however, can be exceptional with a little effort on your part! Here's a list of the various characters.

1. Donnel.
This is by far one of the hardest characters to recruit, as you have to level him up once (and as a villager, this is no easy feat!). But if you work hard and get him, then he is definitely worth the effort. The main thing that makes Donny special is his luck. He is on record as the character with the highest luck stat in the game. He also has a special ability (I forget the name) that gives a 20% chance to EACH stat to increase on level up. I actually played a game using only the required units and Donnel, since he could never take damage once leveled correctly.

Also, he wears a pot on his head.

2. Gaius.
Not many people tend to agree with me, but I firmly believe that Gaius is worth the trouble. Recruitment is easy, and once you hit level 20 and raise him to assassin, he becomes a very powerful asset to your team. Part of this is his insane movement speed for a ground unit. He sometimes moves faster than horse units such as Frederick or Sully, and on flat terrain his movement rivals that of Sumia. Also, he does massive damage and is a very unique character.

And that candy on his tunic! So cute!

3. Olivia.
This one is also a bit out there in terms of leveling, but I always take the time to level Olivia after she joins the team. Sadly, I think that the dancer class isn't that useful, or at least not enough to keep, but Olivia actually makes a great Myrmidon, and eventually assassin. You make think that I like the assassin class way too much, and you'd be right. But overall, after testing every class she can be, I truly believe that she works best as an assassin.

This character has such wonderful pink hair!

4. Chrom.
Chrom is a surprising unpopular character within the game itself. Most people assume that because he's the first character you get, that he's the weakest. Honestly, this is a rumor that I hate to listen to, and I hope I can clear this up. Chrom is ONLY underpowered if you never level him up past 11 or so. This character is best used as his default class, or great lord if you have a second seal. Please give Chrom a chance!

5. Robin/Avatar of Grima/Morgan.
The main character is an extremely powerful unit, mainly due to his veteran skill, which gives an exp bonus for pairing up with another unit. Also, he's totally fun to customize! I contemplated putting Morgan on this list as a unique entry, but I'm in a bit of a time crunch right now, so there you go. They both make good tacticians, but Morgan can be amazing at just about any class!

Well, that about wraps up this post! I was going to post yesterday, but I was sick. Hopefully I'll be able to put up another post or two today! Thanks for reading!

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