Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Advice Entry #1: Character Recruitment

Hello! David here! Today I'll be talking to you about the bonus characters in Fire Emblem: Awakening, and how to recruit them. Read more below the break!

    Ok, so the first thing I want to mention is that there are various characters in Fire Emblem that you can add to the group. They usually appear in paralogues, such as the ones found starting in chapter 14, but some can be found throughout the main story of the game.
Libra, a potential recruit for Chrom's army.
 Many of them, like the above picture, start as green characters, or allies, which have their own phase in battle after the enemy moves. Some, however, like Gaius (I couldn't find any pictures of his recruitment) or Tharja (Due to my current location as I type this, I refuse to image search Tharja) are enemies, and you have to use very careful timing. These characters can only be recruited by Chrom, and occasionally one other character, and as such will attack you. These characters have a very limited recruitment window, but fortunately, I have developed my own method of acquiring them fairly easily. My advice to you is as follows.

1. Highlight the potential recruit.
The first thing I suggest you do is to place your cursor over their unit and press "A." This will highlight the area the unit can move and attack, and is very useful.

2. Make Chrom the backup support of any pegasus unit.
If you set Chrom as the backup support (AKA team up with a unit by have Chrom enter their space instead of the opposite), then Chrom will have the same speed as the pegasus unit.

3. Move Chrom to the edge of the red area.
This may seem like a strange idea if you can already reach the other unit with a pegasus knight, but this allows  the recruit to either mover slightly closer, or allows you to lure other enemies towards the rest of your team, making chrom safer.

4. Fly next to the recruit, switch to Chrom, and press "Talk."
This ensures that you can get to the unit without causing any harm to it, and minimizes damage to Chrom during the battle.

This is the list that I always follow when playing through a game of FE, and I hope you find it useful as well! And remember that saving during the battle if you're on casual and soft resetting are also useful. Go get those units!

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