Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Advice Entry #4: Children part 2 (Spoilers)

Hey guys! Today I'll be covering the second part of my earlier post, involving Children and their various stat builds. This time I'll be focusing on the stat and skill bonuses, and who should probably support who. Check it out below the break!
Children in Awakening are generally more powerful than the first wave of characters, but only if they're built right. Now, I actually do encourage you to experiment with supports (like I did) but this post in particular is talking about good stat pairings. I'll start by giving a few examples that I have come across in the past that have proven to be amazing!                                                                        

1: Gaius and Sumia.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in the last post, but I'm going to solidify it here. Sumia gets a really awesome skill by the name of galeforce. This skill gives a chance to move again after defeating an enemy. Gaius, on the other hand, gets a move called Lethality. Lethality is an instant-kill chance, and when you put both skills into one character, you know they're gonna be good! Couple that with the movement speed of a pegasus knight like Cynthia, and your enemies may as well just surrender when you get there!

Also, the support conversations for the two of them are hilarious. Bee Larvae? Really Sumia?

2: Donnel and Anyone.
Alright, I admit that is is kind of a cop-out, but good ol' Donny really is a perfect match for anyone who can have a child! With armsthrift and underdog, he already gives some good skills, but add in aptitude, and his child, no matter who, will be unstoppable! Although admittedly I haven't paired him with Olivia. I bet that Inigo would be unstoppable as Donnel's kid!

3: Protagonist and Chrom.
 I actually wanted to do the same thing for Robin as I did for Donnel, since he/she can really go with anyone and get a good result. Of course, nobody can resist a good Chrom/Robin romance! Plus, this can give Morgan Chrom's special skills, and (if I remember correctly) it can give him the Lord class. Woohoo! Plus, blue hair. Am I right? Or am I right?

I could sit here and add more pairings, and I may even add another installment, but overall I think that experimenting and finding out these things for yourself is a truly enjoyable part of the game! I, for one, had a blast finding out new things about the characters and getting to know everyone. That's just part of Awakening's charm! Now get out there and experiment!!

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