Monday, May 11, 2015

Advice Entry #3: Children part 1 (Spoilers)

Hey! David here! I'm back after about a week of hectic schoolwork. Anyway, today I'm going to be covering a topic that doesn't show up until roughly chapter 14. Children. This post is going to have spoilers regarding the story, but I recommend looking into it for the sake of building the best character, and knowing the basics of this mechanic. Find it below the break!

Ok, so if you haven't made it through chapter 13 or so, then (assuming you haven't already had this spoiled for you) you're probably wondering what I'm talking about when I say children. There's also a very good chance that you're clever enough to have looked at "Marth" and put two and two together, but let's just assume that it just didn't occur to you (If so, don't feel bad because I didn't actually realize the big plot twist when it was staring me in the face). "Marth" happens to be Lucina, the child of Chrom and whoever you paired him with.
Adult Lucina, formerly called "Marth"
Baby Lucina, as seen in the intro to part 2

After you learn this, Lucina finally joins the Shepards (Yay!!!) and Chapter 14 becomes available. From here on out, any characters who have S rank support (With the exception of Anna, Tiki, or Say'ri) will have a child, who you can recruit through paralogues that appear on the map from this chapter onward. I recommend pausing the story to gain all the supports and children (Except Miriel's child, because Miriel is boring and a stagnant character, and so's her son). As far as I can remember since last I had the opportunity to play, The skills that they have entirely depend on the father, though there are some traits automatically inherited by the mother. Also, in the case of Morgan, the MC's son/daughter, the class depends on the father. Also, the father's hair color in inherited by the normal children.
Example. Inigo, child of Olivia, and his hair color variations based on father's hair.
One thing I strongly recommend is pairing Gaius with a character that gets Galeforce, such as sumia, because a Galeforce/Lethality is unstoppable. I'll go more into skill/stat inheritance more in the next post, since I'm running out of time today. But yeah, Gaius. With lethality. pair him with a galeforce user.

Thanks for reading! See you in the next post!

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