Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Advice Entry #4: Children part 2 (Spoilers)

Hey guys! Today I'll be covering the second part of my earlier post, involving Children and their various stat builds. This time I'll be focusing on the stat and skill bonuses, and who should probably support who. Check it out below the break!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Advice Entry #3: Children part 1 (Spoilers)

Hey! David here! I'm back after about a week of hectic schoolwork. Anyway, today I'm going to be covering a topic that doesn't show up until roughly chapter 14. Children. This post is going to have spoilers regarding the story, but I recommend looking into it for the sake of building the best character, and knowing the basics of this mechanic. Find it below the break!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Advice Entry #2: Characters Worth Training

Hello again! Today I'm going to talk about the various characters in Awakening, and which ones are actually worth training. Check below the break for more!